Clarence Wijewardena
D / m4-79f / 122 / Fl

සුදු මැණිකේ - G (Orig Key: D)

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Intro / Inter

|G | - | - | D

|- | - | - | G

|G | - | - | D

|- | - | - | G


| |G |C |G |

sudhu mzNikee magE mzNikee

|G | |D |

aLuyeme hiru ELiye wagEyi nee

|G | |C |

kzkuLu mal adhe pipunaa magee hadhewethe bzNdhunaa

|G |D7 |G |

thawe mEwan dhEyak nzthzyi sithEnnee


|G |C | |G

zl heenee pzl rzkelaa

| |C | |G

kal yannee nidhi marelaa

|F | |C |

sudhu mzNikee gzne sithelaa

|D | |G |

mame innee mage balelaa


|G |C | |G

nil dhzzsee ruwe dhzkelaa

| |C | |G

mal rahasee hinzhEnewaa

|F | |C |

sudhu mzNikee mame Enewaa

|D | |G |

obe kzndhaa gEne Enewaa

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